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Resources for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Students 


Citations and Resources 

This website contains the information used in the session presented by Kelsey Darmochwal, LMHC, NCC, on 8/14/2024. 



Cook, A., Ogden, J., & Winstone, N. (2018). Friendship motivations, challenges and the role of masking for girls with autism in contrasting school settings. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33(3), 302–315.


Verity Chester (2019) “Autistic women and girls: increasingly recognized, researched and served”, Advances in Autism, Vol. 5 Issue: 3, pp. 141-142, https:/ 


Williams, G., Wharton, T., Jagoe, C. (2021) Mutual (mis)understanding:Reframing autistic pragmatic “impairments” using relevance theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:616664 


Lai, M., Lombardo, M., Ruigrok, A., et al. (2016). Quantifying and exploring camoflaging in men and women with autism. Published online in Autism published by SAGE. November 29. Doi: 10/1177/1362361316671012


Hull, L., Levy, L., Lai, MC. et al. (2021). Is social camouflaging associated with anxiety and depression in autistic adults?. Molecular Autism 12, 13.


Crompton, C.J., Fletcher-Watson, S. (May 2, 2019) Efficiency and Interaction during Information Transfer between Autistic and Neurotypical People. Poster Presentation Palais des congres de Montreal. Archived from


Photos are original art created for this project. 

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